Help with submitting ads for Obiavo


How to submit an ad?
How to choose a category?
Why can I choose multiple categories for an ad?
How to select multiple categories?
How to specify the price?
How to add a photo to an ad?
How long does an ad last?


How to submit an ad?

1. In order to place an ad on Obiavo, you first need to login or create an account.

2. Click on the button in the upper right corner of the site + Post an ad.

3. Fill in all fields of the ad and click the Publish button.


How to choose a category?

1. The choice of categories on Obiavo is provided in the form of a category tree.

2. By clicking on the empty box in front of the category you choose it.

3. Clicking on the text of the category you open its internal items.

4. The folder icon next to a category means that it has internal items and therefore it is better to open all the internal category items to select the most appropriate for your ad. 


Why can I choose multiple categories for an ad?

1. Since the categories are created to cover the whole range of goods and services, their nesting can be in several internal items, and they can cover different properties of the same product or service.


How to select multiple categories?

1. You can select multiple categories for each of your ads for free. The first category selected will be the main one for your ad, the rest selected will be optional in the lists of which your ad will be presented.

2. In order to select multiple categories, you need to check off several categories in the category tree.


How to specify the price?

1. The price is indicated in a special field, only numbers.


How to add a photo to an ad?

1. Click on the field to add photos. You can select multiple photos at once.

2. Select several photos and drag them to the photo adding field.

3. Wait for the photos to load.


How long does an ad last?

1. The ad lifetime is can be different.

2. Paid services can extend the life of an ad up to six months and raise it to the top in different periods of time.

3. After the end of the publication period, the ad disappears from the list of categories, but the ad is available via a link without contact information available.


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