Obiavo classifieds site statistics
At the fair of ads there is an opportunity to sell, buy, give, rent used or new products.
- Every day, thousands of publications are posted on the site for free.
- At the moment free classifieds ads site in United States 3030 proposals.
- Prices for goods and services prices from 1 $. to 800000000 $.
- 38228 finished deals effectively.
- 117766 views on flea market products and services United States.
Some provisions and recommendations of the latest ads Obiavo
Every day at Obiavo several thousand people sell and buy various goods and services, for your safety and comfort, the Obiavo team has developed several basic recommendations and requirements.
- Only post allowed goods and services on fresh bulletin board ads in United States.
- Carefully choose a seller and venue.
- To place a product or service you need to post a free ad in United States.
- Registered users of the flea market can take private ads to the top lines.